Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Horoscope for 2011

Aries (March 21 - 20 aprelya)
 This year will be quite uneasy for the rams. The location of Jupiter will cause more active communication with others. Your role in society will be strengthened. You'll feel its usefulness, even if I have a lot of effort.Compounds of uranium with your Sun will add a spark of privacy. Will be free time, moments of lonelinessbecomes less and have to fight for every moment of solitude, where you often need. Compromises will benefityour relationship with others.

 Job and business horoscope Aries 2011
This year, all your efforts in the work will not be in vain. Aspects of Mars, your main planet, awaken warrior spirit and surprise your surroundings. Despite the fact that you do not belong to those who constantly sits in the shadows, this year you will go even further and greatly improve their position and career growth in the second half of the year. In addressing the various issues that you should not be too categorical and deliberately go to conflict. Be softer, you will not lose power. Develop diplomatic skills, you need them this year to push their own ideas and projects, but do not go on assignment, to circumvent the law, have their own requirements. 
Love horoscope Aries 2011 
This year, your personal life will resemble a roller coaster. Aspects of Jupiter and Saturn more than bring some imbalance in the relationship with your loved one, you may lose the spiritual influence on your partner, the balance of relations will help to keep your more sensitive understanding of the interests of a loved one. Your idea of love develops by internal voices, if you're alone, rely on their intuition, but not on the momentary desire, then you can meet the love of his life. In the second half of the year Venus will help you with this and will contribute to increase your charisma and sex appeal. This year you have a lot of instructive dialogue; missing elements of internal puzzle will be found and installed on site and if you are going through a complicated love relationship, then think about and examine them more calmly. Loved one will you in their thoughts and feelings. That is what will help you decide important issues and to decide on the present and future. In autumn 2011 a possible new meeting passionate and voshitelno-golovokruzhaschie novels. It will be difficult to determine the logged-amorous possibilities, in consequence of this, you can find your couple, but there may be tears and frustration. 
Financial horoscope Aries 2011 
This year, the financial opportunities and revenues will largely depend on external intervention, your environment, legal institutions and the state. So you have to work hard and develop a strategy for action. Will have to seek compromises in order to reduce the bill. Labor agreements, contracts are necessary to ensure the stability of financial issues. From July to August, by chance, or you incur monetary concerns, or an opportunity to make a major purchase for your home. This time it is also good to collect old debts. 
Relationships: Aries horoscope 2011 
Aspects between the planets in 2011 contributed to the fact that you no longer rely on the opinions and judgments of others. Surrounding the impact on your personal goals, you should listen to the close relatives in order to achieve the target. Maybe you'll find that only move in one direction and abandoned to the arbitrariness. What is your deepest fears? Do not let these subjective thoughts fill your mind, stop your growth and development this year, to prevent mutual understanding with others. Summer and autumn bring you exciting moments that will make your life happier.
Health and vitality: Aries horoscope 2011
Your violent nature will manifest itself this year in full. Beginning of the year will affect your vitality and gives a lot of energy that you need, as a consequence of influence of Mars you can expect more physical activity. Communicating with others takes more energy than usual. We have to make greater efforts to control life events. Waste of physical energy, exposes you to bouts of fatigue, and only moments of solitude will help restore the balance. Aspects of Jupiter and Uranus, your task is not easy to stay calm in situations of need, so you need to make an effort to maintain balance.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20) 
 2011 will be a good year for the bulls, but sometimes the smooth rhythm of life will be periodically interrupted, and ask you some effort. You will feel the need to develop their personalities. Aspects of Uranus, Jupiter and Venus will give you a state of harmony is necessary for any form of creativity. You may smile at fortune, which will improve living and working conditions that are so important to you. You will encounter circumstances that will enhance your prospects for career and business, you should listen to your intuition, not to miss your chance to give you the second half of 2011, Jupiter. 
Job and business horoscope Taurus 2011 
Earlier this year, have to work twice as harder. Beginning in February 2011, your ideas will lead you in a constructive direction. The only problem - how to cope with their redundancy? Have to deal with the choice, you can not run in several directions. Your enthusiasm, combined with the practical analytical mind will serve your interests depending on the situation. The need for change will force you to drop everything and rush in the opposite direction of business in September. Why have not be avoided, think about it. Surrounding help you discover new opportunities in this line of events. 
Love Horoscope Taurus 2011 
Sympathy occur more easily compared to last year. Much time will be spent on something to make them come true, support, cherish the love connection. Jupiter frees your emotions and will contribute to a true expression of your feelings, revealing the soul. You will experience and feel emotionally intense moments that you are deeply touched and will remain in your memory for years to come. You internally to enrich and bring to your ideal, but realize that you lack the optimism and faith in himself. At the same time the relative positions of Uranus and Jupiter will add good luck in your personal life and gives a special opportunity: if you are single, this year will be decisive. You will forget about the failures of the past and strive for a new relationship, starting in March. Passion will come into your life, and this period will be filled with rich emotion. Regardless of this situation, be prepared with a head dive into the world of passion, feelings and romance. The only negative point - avoid hasty formalization of relations, better check your attitude at the strength, to make sure of reciprocity, and durability of your feelings. The question of reciprocity will occur quite often, jealousy can be your companions, we advise you to stock up on self-restraint, patience and confidence in their amorous forces. 
Financial horoscope Taurus 2011 
With finances this year add up all the good and established a solid financial harmony. You voluntarily give up the secondary costs, despite the enormous temptations. Will feel that you should focus on life goals related to the arrangement of the house. On the other hand, if you are working in the field of arts and culture, the secondary costs will be needed. 
Relationships: Taurus Horoscope 2011 
Frequent change of mood around you make think you are not up to par and can not control events. Jupiter aspects can make one feel that you can not cope with self-assertion, and it will cause some excitement around your personality. Are you sure that others really understand your aspirations, you seek to implement in the future? Ensure that, before drawing conclusions. The right time to start a dialogue, to destroy the taboo, and any limitations, without causing strong opposition, think about desperate situation in all spheres. 
Health and vitality: Taurus Horoscope 2011 
Through the influence of Jupiter, you'll be in good physical shape this year. You are sharper than ever feel that there is no need to prove its superiority and to enter into competitions, to more easily accept their own weakness, and even bouts of fatigue. But this is only for the better, so you quickly restore the necessary forces. In the first half of 2011, watch for the kidneys, drink plenty of fluids, check for power and perform the necessary exercise, because there is a risk to be ill.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
 ROVISIONS stars in 2011 will allow you to successfully complete the case, begun in the previous year. This will affect many vital facts. Aspects of Uranus in your sign, Mars and the Sun, will greatly facilitate communication and make it more transparent. You will have an opportunity for new choices, leading to an unexpected development, brings you closer to your goals. Despite the excitement grows sometimes in trouble, you get lucky, which will help to realize our plans to plans and expectations. Watch your health, in the middle of the year may have exacerbation of chronic diseases. 
Job and business horoscope 2011 Geminis 
This year's professional life is influenced by Venus and Saturn. Will develop favorable conditions for the expression of your professional ambitions. You will need the public recognition and outlining ways to achieve it. Communication will become more harmonious and lively dialogue and deep. On the other hand, you may enter into an agreement with the authorities, believing (wrongly) that someone - that seeks to establish diplomatic relations with you. Good decision - find the right distance, though it is not easy. 
Love Horoscope Gemini 2011 
This year, the passion and glamor to break into your life through the open door. You start life with a new starting point, or take her training. Aspects of the planets, dominant in your horoscope, will awaken a strong need for love, which, however, does not break your life balance. If you are experiencing a difficult situation, we unconsciously seek to simplify it. To dispel the illusion, you should rely on common sense, logic, and especially the truth. We should not delude ourselves that will be able to critically review their situation and draw the correct conclusions. This year, the partner has more confidence in you and seeking for mutual understanding that will enable you to strengthen your relationship. Are you tired of the difficulties of love, which, ultimately, make you spend time and do not make your life happier. Venus gives you a lot of temptations, especially from April to August 2011. If you already have a couple, then maybe this year will be decisive for you, or parted, or step over a new milestone of your relationship and play a fun and noisy wedding. To avoid tension in the relationship, try to more carefully select the topics for discussion. 
Financial horoscope 2011 Geminis 
In the first six months of 2011 there will be no problems with the accounts, the current business and other financial matters. Clearer your vision of their own economic situation. Logic and common sense prompt that is needed and what not to do in this matter. Lay down the circumstances that will increase your receipts, especially from the present work. This year you can expect to increase your salary. Since October, should increase their vigilance in dealing with documents, administrative and cash. Distractions can cause you to lose, so be vigilant. 
Relationships: Gemini Horoscope 2011 
Aspects of Jupiter and Uranus will soften life's corners and unusual wear facilitate vital that you have carried for many years. You feel you need freedom, this year you will get the opportunity to develop their own projects to benefit from the opportunities provided by relationships in society. Thanks to help loved ones, you get rid of unnecessary stress and may release a strong grip, and even let go its course so long tormented, and suddenly you are authorizing the problem. 
Health and vitality: Gemini Horoscope 2011 
This year, the influence of Uranus and Mercury will make your life more stressful. Unpleasant moments will take you a lot of energy. Increasingly, the question is about your responsibility and you are making every effort to prove to others the opposite. It makes you tired unnecessarily. The immune system is in excellent condition, vital energy on the rise no matter what until June 2011. Since then, pay attention to nutrition, eliminate from the diet of spicy food. At the end of the year take care of the state of the digestive system. Pay attention to their chronic illness, try to prevent inflammation, not supercool.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
 Efforts made by you in the past year, in 2011 are beginning to produce tangible results. This applies to all areas of your life, your intuition will help you to move in the right direction. And your success in this investigation, prompt new solutions to problems you will have many opportunities to enrich your life and make it brighter. Communicate with others will give you new doors and significantly reduce time frames for achieving objectives. Only the influence of Pluto can you pause and give a nostalgic mood. Do not stop to look into the past, move forward! 
Job and business horoscope cancer 2011 
This year, your professional life like an endless battle. In the middle of the year you start new projects, some of them collide with the obstacles, overcoming that you have to get accustomed to new responsibilities and new surroundings. Regardless of your present situation, in the air hover your horoscope change. You ever need your creativity and ability to quickly make the right decisions and foresee their possible consequences. Feeling challenged raise your warrior spirit, who was waiting for his moment of glory. If you are in commercial trade, you will be able to sign new contracts and transactions. Everything that concerns the investigation and study, will bring you success. The most effective will be your personal initiative, act! 
Love Horoscope Cancer 2011 
You have less emphasis on his love affairs than in the past year. Due to lack of time, ability or desire your vote, you have to move away to become even closer in March 2011. This will allow you to examine the relationship in the future from a new angle. You will no doubt feel your partner's friend, confidant, the most suitable person who understands you like no other. Do not hesitate to tell him even that sometimes seems to you ridiculous, you say, without value judgments about what you feel. The influence of Venus in September 2011 could complicate your personal life and sow the shadow of jealousy and distrust between you and your partner. Try to make an effort not to lose the point of contact, your love did not break the wall of misunderstanding and alienation. If you are single, summer 2011 will present many interesting possibilities, exciting and passionate encounters. Look for your chance at places of entertainment. Do not turn in on themselves! 
Financial horoscope cancer 2011 
Since the beginning of 2011 you will feel more acutely the need for financial security than in past months last year. Pulses of Jupiter makes you strive to develop and will give the energy of motion in a successful direction. This year, money is synonymous with confidence, you have to cooperate more actively with the inner circle. Your love life will be closely linked with the finances. Depending on this scale will outweigh it in the direction of excessive costs, to the side of excessive frugality. The basic rule - do not let emotions control your actions. By being prudent, you can avoid losses in the budget. 
Relationships: Cancer Horoscope 2011 
Jupiter gives you confidence, healthy and efficient communication. Careless make life easier for many things. On the other hand, this aspect will make you forget certain safety standards and will play with fire. Do not go to unnecessary risks, bypassing the law and avoid borrowing. Fill in the documents carefully and accurately. Uranium supports excessive desire, idealized behavior in relation to reality. Take care of practical detail in everything we do, especially in the fall. 
Health and vitality: horoscope cancer 2011 
Aspects of Pluto, Mercury and Venus to spur your overall metabolism at the beginning of the year. You will see life with greater depth, and it frees up your energy in the direction of and openness to others. Movement, inspiration and optimism will be the best way to restore your vitality, but in May and October 2011, they may become the causes of physical fatigue. In January or February 2011 recommended a course of maintaining the health of some good resorts and pay attention to the digestive system.
Leo (July 23 - August 23)
 This year's event will take its natural course. Dominant aspects of the planets, will facilitate your relationship and will contribute to the fruitfulness of the ideas that are important for the development of your projects. Only Saturn throw a deep shade of realism, which will cause moments of melancholy and regret of past carelessness. Also, you will have many opportunities to enjoy the positive influence of enhanced realism: it helps you to securely consolidate rear. Aspects Neptune develop your imagination and creativity, will present innovative ideas, which will include all areas of your life, especially personal. You will have frequent inspiration, which also have a beneficial effect on your aspirations and goals. 
Job and business horoscope lion 2011 
Even if you are in its closed and constant terms, you can not help thinking that you are talented and deserve the best. This year you have the chances that your talents will be noticed, and as a result will bring success and realization of your hopes. If your position at work is unstable, you may be able to resolve this situation in the first months of 2011. You should show initiative and entrepreneurship to advance their careers. This year can be seen as an opportune time to make contacts and develop activities in an innovative direction. 
Leo Love Horoscope 2011 
Aspects of Jupiter early this year to boost your seductiveness, which can not remain indifferent to the opposite sex. Like others, not by throwing dust in our eyes - that, in the end, it will be possible this year. In the first half of 2011 the relationship with your regular partner may diminish, giving more room for dialogue, ideas, comprehensive dialogues and new meetings. This is the perfect time to engage in prospecting second half, regardless of the situation. Your patience will be rewarded spontaneous emotional outburst. If relations have exhausted themselves, the situation has finally become clear by mid-year and you will be able to put the record straight "and". Some of you are very ready to make a legitimate union. Be careful and give yourself time to think, if you have not already done so, the passionate atmosphere can cause undue competition, especially if you have had multiple partners. You should better define your preferences and love to make a choice, if before this you have not done so. Otherwise, you risk being left with nothing. 
Financial horoscope lion 2011 
This year, your finances are in a state of relative harmony. Ahead does not appear to be any obstacles, and it gives you peace of space required for the promotion of projects related to profit. Focus on long-term strategies, they have the best chance of success. Until November, there will be no concerns related to money. Aspects of the planets will push you to easily use the money in a constructive direction, or start saving. Your main task will be to prepare the ground for realization of new ideas for the winter next year, this is the best way to benefit from aspects of Saturn, which will have a dominant position in your sign. 
Relationships: Leo Horoscope 2011Aspects of Saturn and Neptune may cause small hidden fears, desire for solitude, or vice versa, to avoid the possibility of loneliness. Passionate desire for recognition comes to the surface and can sometimes put you in a ridiculous position. Are you looking for a point of equilibrium, which will allow you to live like you think it is right. All this applies to tuition in the fall enjoy a self-improvement of emotional intelligence, which enables you to effectively cope with negative emotions and bring more success into your life. 
Health and vitality: Leo Horoscope 2011
 In consequence of the influence of Neptune, you will feel that taking care of yourself first is to satisfy their own desires. But whether you're right! The temptation to get rid of the old disorder, which caused disruption of the liver, it will be very large. Follow the diet and avoid fatty foods, as well as sport. Aspects of Mars in conjunction with Saturn in sextile to your sign will give an excellent physical activity throughout the year, especially if you need to prepare for competition or to accelerate the rhythm of life.
Virgo (August 24 - September 22)
 Waiting for you on the importance of the average year. Your conservatism will give you a chance and allow, in particular, get rid of some financial problems. This will give you strength rapidly develop / promote their projects in a constructive direction. In addition, it is a great program for the development of wilted relationship. You should pay for their health in the first months of 2011. This year will be more financially-stable and successful than last year. 
Job and business Virgo Horoscope 2011 
2011 is the perfect time for cooperation and closer contacts with colleagues. You will have a chance to more easily promote their ideas and projects in the right direction if demonstrating team spirit and strength of character. You will be able to change nothing in their work, but it will not bring you new revenue. You will have supporters surprised by the continuity of your connections that will support the most unexpected moment. You can count on new contacts and increase their career ladder. 
Love Horoscope Virgo 2011 
This year you are waiting for the tender, while a passionate relationship. Possible manifestation of possessiveness, especially if you belong to the second decade of the sign Virgo. If you are single, love knocks on your door, perhaps you will find love at first sight. Earlier this year, there are chances of romantic relationships abroad. During the trip, you meet a person of another culture, and exotic surroundings only add an aura of romance to your new meetings. On the other hand, you can lose your head. Try not to make important decisions, especially with the long term. Best to enhance your relationship and fill them with depth. If you have a pair, it is very useful to solve urgent problems, but for this you have to gather all the courage needed to clarify the situation. In the autumn of 2011 will be a lot of meetings, love mixed with friendship. Beware of jealousy, you inadvertently can complicate your relationship with your partner. 
Financial Horoscope Virgo 2011 
You send all your constructive thinking in order to improve its financial position. Aspects of the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury will contribute to strengthen your physical well-being and increase the tangible property, finance and property. Your wheel will spin at full strength, cash receipts will be kept and you will have chances to enter into contracts and interest to make profitable acquisitions. In material terms of the future quite positively. Will be very beneficial association with new partners. 
Relationships: Virgo Horoscope 2011 
In 2011, you should make some effort to achieve goals. You feel that you can meet resistance, and no problems with this consent. And all this requires you to strong internal stress. You increase the barriers of fear they diminish. More harmony with others, you can achieve with aspects of Uranus and Jupiter, provided that you do not break their influence excessive pessimism. Do not be afraid of loss, you know who gives, he gets even bigger. The passage of Pluto can neutralize the impact of the positive aspects and make you unreasonable fears. Realism will help you cope with this trend. 
Health and vitality: Virgo Horoscope 2011 
Aspects of planets that dominate the sky this year, will give you lots of energy, especially for constructive activity. Earlier this year, there may be problems related to your health. In the spring of physical activity increase significantly due to aspects of Jupiter and Uranus. Saturn leaves your sign on and it will spur your metabolism. Increased energy will help you convert a lot of things you have planned. There is a unique obstacle: the over-activity can cause nervousness, irritability and intolerance towards others.
Libra (September 23 - October 23)
 Waiting for you a wonderful year. In the second half of the year active and purposeful Libra luck will smile on many fronts of life. You can start your own business. You are waiting for the big positive changes in his personal life, you can get married, meet your love or just to cement their relationship with their family and children. If you have not yet decided what to do, then you will visit an inspiration. Followed by new projects, you will more easily understand their needs through an understanding of others. You learn a lot in the areas you care by communicating with a knowledgeable person. Do not forget old acquaintances. This year, the solitude you to anything. 
Job and business horoscope Libra 2011 
This year, the financial issues will come to the fore. You will persevere to promote their projects and ideas. Some of them you start to an even 2010. Check your bills and pay off the debt. This will save you a lot of the time required for the concentration and planning. With this in September, you can avoid erroneous judgments. Money demand savings, you will be able to resist the dangerous temptation to spend large sums, and save your budget. This year's real estate investments will require special vigilance, do not take for granted all you say about this question. Be selective in the information. 
Libra Love Horoscope 2011 
This year you nahlynet wave of love and passion that can lead you to conclude marriage. The direct impact of Saturn in your sign will cause a huge demand in the emotions and feelings. You will rely on intuition, which will lead you in the right direction, learn a sympathetic and like it, because I feel what behavior is like your partner or the person whom you choose to win. Open up new sources of domestic energy that will help you to cement your relationship and create harmony, without losing the emotional richness, which you so need. If you are single, you will be able to understand their requirements, this will help the meeting, follow-up during this period. The last two months of the year will be quite volatile, but will come to you optimistic and prudence, which will successfully solve your love problems. 
Financial horoscope Libra 2011 
The need for financial stability will increase significantly, and you begin to actively look for ways to cement its financial position. Beginning in June 2011 your entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen will bring tangible results. Do not waste money on petty and unnecessary purchases, reorganize their spending on the major priorities. 
Relationships: Libra Horoscope 2011 
This year you will be able to satisfy all your wishes in all areas. Combined aspects of the Sun, Saturn and Mars will give you a new status that will surprise your surroundings. Everything changes, you are no longer any doubt in this direction, demonstrating the value and virtue of what is now a priority for you. Squaring Pluto will return to you taunt and irony, which would be difficult to contain. Only depends on you whether you can keep the balance and the best path. 
Health and vitality: Libra Horoscope 2011 
This year, your life energy will be one of the most useful and enjoyable your qualities, your forte. Approximation of Saturn to your main planet will soften the existing troubles and slow down the emergence of anxiety about their future health. You instinctively find the balance point, which nourish your energy and support you. You will become more reasonable and will avoid situations of tension and confrontation. Aspects of Mercury will cause increased mental activity becomes a harmonious inner balance, you pay much attention to develop their own interests. Jupiter maintains a certain tendency toward solitude. Do not forget about proper nutrition, especially in June and July 2011, to avoid unnecessary overloading of the body.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
 This year, you will actively continue the embodiment of important projects. Minor planets pulses in 2011 is highlighted by social relationships. Paradoxically, you feel the need to retreat, solitude and even exclusion from the need for change. Trine of Jupiter will push you to realize your own ambitions, and Saturn aspect will spur your creativity in many directions. Followed by intense transitions from the active communication of meditation, working phases can alternate with moments of complete relaxation and solitude. 
Job and business horoscope Scorpio 2011 
By year end, your social and professional life will become easier and more enjoyable. You are a little distant from their projects, which allow you to evaluate all of the parties and to continue the activities. This is very good, especially when engaged in scientific activities or public relations. Unexpected conversations with colleagues embryos new ideas and entrepreneurial spirit will awaken in you that in the future will yield good results if you give it due consideration. Influence of Jupiter will allow you to concentrate on the job, eliminate all the tails and remake a lot of work, and then proceed to new ideas and projects. 
Scorpio 2011 Love Horoscope 
This year you will take a perfect storm of passion. You turn an important page, but the next promises to be a rich potential. Exceeds sensuality opens new doors to you. Much has changed, except your partner. In the first half of the year will have to answer key questions. You can not avoid them, you will be missed answers, because you are used to solve problems without complications. It will be difficult, but necessary to mobilize all their capabilities, so as not to lose control. Be sure of yourself, or find that lost the first battle. Your life together be filled with comfort and pleasure. Your seduction out of hand, you find that others, and your partner try to communicate with you, to become closer to you. This will help solve the most important issues that bother you. Again you feel the spice of life, get into their feelings and emotions, to live and move on. 
Financial horoscope Scorpio 2011 
With regard to finances, then you have a urgent pressing matters. Possible a constant lack of time, you will feel anxiety. Have to take stringent measures to overcome some financial difficulties. After this, you will be able to stop, concentrate and you'll understand how to manage money and be able to prioritize. Compare, evaluate, do not act on impulse to buy something or buy, you pay more than necessary, except when the thing is you have a real delight. Do not take risks, and carefully draw up all documents. Can not be excluded careless mistakes, check the practical details. 
Relationships: Scorpio Horoscope 2011 
You will notice internal inhibition, you will feel like you are too slow progress towards goals. Do not trust these subjective impressions of disaster caused by the influence of Saturn. Slowing down will allow you to eliminate some of the mistakes made in carrying out projects, and fixes only significantly improve the overall situation. Think carefully about the turns you take life, anticipation will give you a chance. This year's investments will bring profits, not run away from his inner intentions. 
Health and vitality: Scorpio Horoscope 2011 
In early 2011, energy and health will not be at the best altitude. Accumulation of excessive activity begins to affect the entire body. This will lead to a deterioration of general condition and no wonder, because you spent so much energy since last year. You have to slow down the pace of life, not to harm health. Avoid excessive mental stress. It will be good early in the year to take a little time off to think carefully about everything that bothers you. Good sleep helps to restore the nervous system and emotional state. Follow the diet. In the autumn you'll be in great shape.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
 Astrological trends this year, promise you a new life rises and the ability to overcome any obstacles. Begins the first phase of Jupiter, reinforced the gradual withdrawal of Pluto, which would cause optimism and will forget about restrictions and sad reflection. You feel the urgent need to protect their lives and establish personal life. 
Job and business horoscope Sagittarius 2011 
You are boldly moving forward, this is the right time to show off their talents, to do action and focus on current affairs. Your career - proscenium your thoughts. On the other hand, you can not show how you find it hard to make more progress. You act as fast as you think, so it can be relative to the barrier. You should be more evenly distribute the work to avoid mental overload and do not return to the pessimistic while you are moving inexorably towards success. Under an hour you will have to stop to by the worker to assess progress and further traffic scheme. Do not focus on details that do not deserve your attention. Beginning in July 2011, your projects will generate good profit. 
Sagittarius Love Horoscope 2011 
The tonality of your personal life a little softened earlier this year. You ask yourself a lot of questions and answers are not always simple. Regardless of whether you are alone or in pairs, will develop facts that will enable you to cement existing relationships and build new relationships with one condition, that you are willing to change and compromise. Will increase your appeal, you'll easily convince, bewitch, your expression will become more soulful, and emotional action. Holidays will be saturated with love, the meeting will be favorable in light conditions at the end of the year. The prevailing atmosphere promotes harmony. Important for you not only look, you're looking for a truly sincere person, capable of enjoying the simple pleasures of life. You inherent tenderness, care, diplomacy, you do not change themselves. 
Financial horoscope Sagittarius 2011 
Compared with last year financial issues do not seem so heavy. Lay down the circumstances that in the future will further simplify the situation, if you do not miss your chance. Always have a choice but to think about the consequences, to prevent them. "What's done is done, this expression could not be more accurately reflects your situation. You do not have the patience to work with financial instruments and to plan long-term costs. If last year you set out to solve the financial issues, but this year there will be temptations to take a break, enjoy the first results of new progress. Are often situations where you do not understand. The reason for this is the location of the planets in relation to your sign. 
Relationships: Sagittarius Horoscope 2011 
You take to heart all that relates to your hobbies and family relationships. Pluto is still working on you, forcing some to make sacrifices to protect the interests of some people. The direction of your reality (Saturn) has a mirror and is currently not fully correspond to the type that you represent your surroundings. You should make a reassessment of your property before you defend them in all possible ways, or just think, what their true weakness. 
Health and vitality: Sagittarius Horoscope 2011 
This year will require you to much effort. Some actions simply can not be avoided. It will take a maximum of energy to meet its obligations. Saturn's support will allow you to build your health, but also a tendency towards inertia associated with your true nature. At times, you have to deal with stress, but it does not affect the general health. The last three months, there has been growth in mental energy, which is an amazing way to increase your creativity and send you to new creative ideas. The general condition of the body to mobilize forces for a more serious purposes.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
 Aspects of the planets will allow you to find ease and diversify their lives. Will have more free time, you'll be grateful for those opportunities that meet you this year. You will become more tolerant and more able to understand. This will make your life clarity, the ability to understand the circumstances, without asking too many questions. This year the stars will make you reflect on the material issues, while leaving plenty of space for everyday concerns. 
Job and business horoscope Capricorn 2011 
This year you will make every effort to work in a collective context. Team work for you is favorable, but there may be some friction and misunderstandings with your leadership. You should make an effort to advance their own goals and not confuse them with the goals of others. The idea of innovation should be developed independently. Your confidence can be regarded as self-confidence and cause disapproval with envy. In conversations try not to raise the topic of their own mistakes and doubts. Keep closely monitored the implementation of your ideas, the influence of Pluto and the sun will help to realize own projects. It is a fitting year for the court cases and litigation in your favor. Meetings will take a long-term prospects. Look for the prospects of new contracts and agreements. 
Capricorn Love Horoscope 2011 
This year you are trying to clean transparent relationship, looking for peace and balance. But the circumstances put before you the important issues impeding find peace. On the other hand, you will attract partners who are seeking protection. Be careful, even if you are flattered. Long-term relationship can become burdensome. February and April 2011 will give you a passionate and new appointments, you can easily demonstrate the amplitude of their desires, even the most secret. Life opens in a new way! There are problems with your regular partner, you may not have enough understanding to help trusting and frank conversation. Patience will have a positive impact and soften the angles of your relationship. Thus, we can keep harmony. If you are in a dual or uncertain situation, you decide in the spring with their wishes and aspirations. 
Financial horoscope Capricorn 2011 
This year, your financial life has improved markedly, especially if you take active steps to improve their standard of living. It should be hard to move in this direction and look for opportunities to achieve success. Aspects of Pluto and Saturn suggests logged material resources related to the payment terms, higher costs, obtaining results in lawsuits. You will need at least a year to take radical decisions. In fact, you long ago decided to make it, do not have a suitable opportunity. Will realize significant financial transactions, which completely change your life style. Success is somewhere nearby, be careful not to miss it. 
Relationships: Capricorn Horoscope 2011 
The success of last year, will relieve you from stress and bring significant relief to nervous. But you will still need support to get on his feet, especially in material terms. Squaring Saturn and Jupiter's influence will help you understand the entire distance traveled and to send its forces in the right direction. Successive random yield an unexpected benefit and relieve the feeling of useless guilt. The inner voice will remind you of when there will be an excellent opportunity, which will also help and your associates. 
Health and vitality: Capricorn Horoscope 2011 
This year, your energy will return to its previous level. You suddenly feel the need to slow down, to withstand the heat for a long distance, and rightly so! Aspects Mars and Saturn will return your tolerance for demonstrations, the popular assemblies and the protracted crowded banquet. In October comes the perfect time to throw out the accumulated energy. Aspects of the Sun and Mars will allow you to radically reconsider their view on a healthy lifestyle and get rid of bad habits to maintain health.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)
Waiting for you a wonderful year. Saturn, Mars and Uranus will help to establish rapport with others, making them lighter. You gather the fruits of the efforts of the past year, opportunities for privacy are not so much, but because of their sociability you'll get a great deal about the prospects for the future. Life lighten the burden of the past, and you're hoping to strive for future success. The direction is correct, just stick with it. 
Job and business horoscope Aquarius 2011 
This year will be very favorable for new contacts. Lay down the circumstances that allow you to expand your knowledge and move to a new level of cooperation. You are at the end of the cycle, it is time to put an end to volatile situations and analyze them. From May 2011 you will have the chance to expand its activities to develop it, or start a new project. Communicate with your colleagues will become more transparent, the relationship will be trusted. Manifest your talent for diplomacy. A great moment to realize his intentions, ideas and projects that promise to be successful. 
Love horoscope Aquarius 2011 
The stability of your emotional ties this year will be a major priority. Relationship with Neptune rouse your concealed unconscious fears that provoke defensive reactions in relation to your partner. The influence of Venus in aspect to your Sun support your efforts to express love. The general atmosphere is full of tenderness at the beginning of the year. Loving relationship filled with care and attention. There will be sources that will strengthen your union, establishing harmony and positively influence the power of love. If you are single, you will be able to understand their needs. Meetings have taken place at this time will help you with this. If you are single, you are coming new appointments. Love at first sight is not a myth ... 
Financial horoscope Aquarius 2011 
This is a good year in terms of finances. You can increase their wealth and buy property. You seek to establish order in its administrative and business accounts. As a consequence of the influence of Neptune, you can imagine a mistake to seek financial opportunities where they really do not. Situation balances the Saturn, which allows you to correct mistakes if necessary. Realism - one of your best qualities. Common sense will help you avoid trouble in the future. 
Relationships: horoscope Aquarius 2011 
You know very well the excitement and anxiety in no way contributes to the development of your business and eliminates many of the ways of action that you control in a normal environment. We recommend that you do not blow up the event and monitor the situation dispassionately. The cause of your emotional instability is the effect of Saturn, which is able to put your most pleasant and happy moments. Neptune promotes distancing from the material reflection. Find the balance point that will allow you to operate without load and save a lot of time and bring good luck. 
Health and vitality: horoscope Aquarius 2011 
Gradually, the energy level will increase, especially when in contact with others. New knowledge and significantly raise your energy level. Pulses of the Sun and Venus will be irresistible to attract into your life more fun and enjoyment that the beneficial effect on the mental level, but they can inspire you too. In June, the activity reaches the highest point that will allow you to implement all the planned changes. Health this year will delight you, but beware of hypothermia and stress.
Pisces (February 20 - March 20)
2011 will be a very busy and exciting for you. The first three months will pass smoothly, for you will be pulled around in the relations of harmony will reign, and you'll discover new possibilities of your hopes and doing. Nevertheless, in the first three months of 2011 may be difficulty with finances. Sometimes you have to be rigid and dogmatic, you will overcome the reluctance to compromise, but you can do it without changing their point of view. Last months of the year will be peaceful and harmonious, that will make you stronger and more energetic, but also, paradoxically, exacerbate militant, true shark instincts. Strategic direction of your actions will be chosen correctly. 
Job and business horoscope Pisces 2011  
This year, sociability will be one of your best qualities for a professional activity. You are a frightening accuracy can determine the intentions of your buddies and get them to act in accordance with your expectations. Trade negotiations will be very beneficial, even if you move to subsequent phases. You will be able to achieve its objectives, despite the fact that you will "put a spoke in the wheel" of your competitors. Simple facts, real action and solutions will be key to success in future negotiations. You with even greater delicacy will be able to solve problematic situations. If you are looking for a job or a lucrative trade deal, the fall of 2011 you will develop a great feeling and intuition in these matters. This is an excellent time to have the courage to trust intuition and to improve their career situation. 
Pisces Love Horoscope 2011 
Your natural tendency to idealize the sensual emotions of love allow this year to realize the most cherished dreams. Your partner will seek to establish the boundaries of their independence, especially in the first three months of the year. You try to develop relationships and to determine what qualities should have your partner. During this period, you have a special influence and magnetism in the sensual sphere. On the other hand, the dissonance of Saturn will awaken the fear of being rejected, which dates back to the past. If too much not to go, you feel the urgent need to verify the reliability of your loved one. This is not the moment to seek a fundamental transformation. Add up all the details before proceeding with any changes. If you are alone, you expect new novels, followed by an unusual meeting, full of exoticism. You will not regret it! 
Financial horoscope Pisces 2011 
At the beginning of the year material issues will bother you the least. You still carefree spending money, and at the same time think about the future, and related material needs. Since the second half of the year, you will become economical and all your attention will be focused on large projects: a house, furniture, machine. You lack the skills to accurately implement your projects. Others may provoke you to make additional expenditures are not always justified, and not always necessary. Think twice before you spend a large sum of money. Time your ally, to postpone a decision on at least the next day. 
Relationships: Pisces horoscope 2011 
This year, you're ready to clean up his life from fragments and memories of the past. You will need to unwind and get away, especially in the last months of 2011. The rebellious mood could be a cause of problems with others. Think twice before you break the relationship. Erupting sensitivity can cause infantile impulses of your state of mind. Think about how to bring pleasure to your life before you before you overcome depression. 
Health and vitality: Pisces horoscope 2011 
This year, your health has never influenced by emotions. Your sensuality is even more strongly binds you to people that you like. Overall condition is directly related to the "health" of your relationship. Having put all his heart in your relationships, you will have a better shape and physical condition. Many doctors can not explain what is happening: disappear diseases of digestive system. Focus on the Family and harmony with the environment. Aspects of Uranus can provoke allergies, particularly those caused by environmental pollution, namely metals. Trine of Saturn and Jupiter can be a major cause of problems with teeth or bones. Do not eat dairy products that have expired.

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